Blue Prosperity Micronesia (BPM) is a program to support the sustainable growth of marine resources in
the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). This program is government-led, with the goal to optimize ocean
uses, protect 30% of FSM’s waters, strengthen fisheries management, and support the development of
marine industries.
BPM brings a holistic approach based on best available science and stakeholder participation to build a
healthier marine environment that will benefit future generations. Since launching in July 2019, BPM has
made significant strides towards better management of FSM’s ocean for increased ocean health, food
security, economic opportunity and climate change resilience.

Support sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth while preserving the health of our ocean

Similar to land-based zoning, MSP is a science-based, participatory process to create a holistic plan for FSM’s ocean.

Provide resources to improve fisheries management, monitoring and enforcement strategies

BPM is a partnership between the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Micronesia Conservation Trust and the Blue Prosperity Coalition. National and State governments lead with strategic decision-making and technical guidance. The Micronesia Conservation Trust provides implementation support to government and international partners. The Blue Prosperity Coalition brings funding and technical expertise.
Blue Prosperity Micronesia is implemented through a National Task Force. Member agencies include:
FSM Department of Resources & Development (Chair)
National Oceanic and Resource Management Authority
Department of Finance
Department of Justice
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management
Department of Foreign Affairs
Office of National Archive, Culture and Historic Preservation
Chuuk State Department of Marine Resources
Kosrae State Department of Resources & Economic Affairs
Pohnpei State Department of Resources & Development
Yap State Department of Resources & Development
The National Task Force is supported by a network of government technical experts, NGOs, and academic institutions who are organized in three Working Groups focused on Marine Spatial Planning, Sustainable Fisheries and Blue Economy.